crafters love crafts

Wood Toy Plans That Every Child Will Love

With these wood toy plans you can make that special child's eyes light up. Kids love their very own rocking horse that they can ride for hours.

What child doesn't like a cute play house that they can decorate as they want with their own treasures. These toy plans are so easy to read and understand. Even a novice can make them.

pony rocker Pony Rocker

What Child doesn't like horses. This beautiful pony rocker will make your kids or grandchildren happy! Ready-to-trace pattern. Yarn is suggested for the mane and tail. 25'' high x 44'' long.

bear rocker Teddy Bear Rocking Chair Plan

Build this friendly little rocker to make your kids or grandchildren happy! The child will set for hours reading books to his favorite teddy bear.

small rocking horse Rocking Horse

This small rocking horse is safe and durable. Your small child will love this horse and call him by his favorite name.

wood sled Sled

Take a step into yesteryear with this all wood sled. Remember all the good times you had with your sled. Now youcan make one for your kids or grandkids and they can make their own memories.

doll cradle Rocking Doll Cradle

Make your little girl a special place for her favorite doll. Butt joinery and basic cuts make this an ideal weekend project for all skill levels.

play house Playhouse Plan

Building is child's play with this plan! The 6 ft. square (including the porch) by 6 ft. tall playhouse comes complete with full-size patterns for angles and modular construction techniques.

Craft Ideas

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