My First clay pot birdbath
crafters love crafts

My First clay pot birdbath

by Sheri
(Stockton, Ca.)

My First Clay pot bird  bath

My First Clay pot bird bath

I wanted to make a clay pot birdbath but I didn't like the ones that were just stacked upside down, so I got some pots and drip pans and this is what I came up with. It was a big hit in my little family of crafters, I have only made one more but I am planning on making two more for our winter craft sale. I also made a set of tables just turning the top drip pan upside down, they make nice outside tables, althought the ones I made my daughter uses as bedside tables.

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May 31, 2013
Bird Bath NEW
by: Susan

This is the cutiest bird bath I have ever seen. I will be going to the store to get the supplies to make this. thank you for sharing.

May 31, 2013
Bird Bath NEW
by: Susan

This is the cutiest bird bath I have ever seen. I will be going to the store to get the supplies to make this. thank you for sharing.

May 07, 2012
bird seed NEW
by: Anonymous

wish i could post what im working on but cant seem to uplaod pics here but if you are intrested u can look on my face book i have been working on alot of stuff candel holders bird seed feeders bubble gum machines just lotsa stuff ganna be getting a booth at the crafish festavile here and sell my stuff .. your bird baths are always great take a look at what iv done ganna make some moss pots to ad to what product i already have made making nail crocces and jewlery also light bulb ornaments just all kinds of stuff wish you could be proud of me i really am doing better. lori

May 07, 2012
bird seed NEW
by: Anonymous

wish i could post what im working on but cant seem to uplaod pics here but if you are intrested u can look on my face book i have been working on alot of stuff candel holders bird seed feeders bubble gum machines just lotsa stuff ganna be getting a booth at the crafish festavile here and sell my stuff .. your bird baths are always great take a look at what iv done ganna make some moss pots to ad to what product i already have made making nail crocces and jewlery also light bulb ornaments just all kinds of stuff wish you could be proud of me i really am doing better. lori

Sep 18, 2011
clay pot birdbath
by: Tonya Dawson

I really love this bird bath better than any I have seen could u please tellme what size pots u used and so forth and the tables sound interestingMy son is getting his own apt and has no furniture Imthinking that might work good for end table or bedside tables and be prettycheap to make if i can figure it out. Thanks so much

Feb 20, 2011
Great looking bird bath
by: nurse99

Your bird bath is just beautiful. You have inspired me to put one in my backyard. I like your idea of using the smaller pots and making the bird bath a little taller. Am hoping to post a picture after I finish.

Aug 23, 2010
beautiful bird baths
by: Anonymous

i really love your birdbaths i recently made a couples w my own ideas on them i love them. i would love to know more websites where i can see others just like yours keep up the great work .continue to put more of our work on here

Aug 23, 2010
Adorable Birdbath
by: Patty

This is really adorable and I would like to make one for my backyard. Would you please tell me what size pots you used and did you use any saucers? Thanks for sharing this with us.

Jul 22, 2010
Very nice!
by: Jessica

Do you have size of pots used. I have seen many on the web and I was just not really happy with them as to the way they where stacked, but I really like how you have yours stacked.

Oct 05, 2008
Bire Bath
by: Anonymous

Great job, I'm impressed. It adds interest to your yard as well as the birds. I love being creative.
Nan Taylor

Jul 18, 2008
It's beautiful
by: Anonymous

I love this bird bath. I have seen quite a few but I like this one the best. I be the birds love it!

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