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Learn How To Quilt

mystery quilt

There are many ways you can learn how to quilt. I took my first class at a quilt shop but there are many books out that will show you how and then you can learn at your own pace. There are also webs sites that will show you how. I have even seen videos that will show you step by step and they aren't very expensive.

The quilt pictured here is one that I just finished. It was a mystery quilt that I did on one of my quilting forums. It really was quite fun because you don't know what it is going to look like until you are done.

Quilting supplies

The first thing you need to do is to get a few supplies. You will need a cutting mat, a rotary cutter and a quilting ruler plus a sewing machine. If you can sew a straight line then you can quilt. I guess I cheat because I use a quilting foot that has a guide on it to make a perfect 1/4" seam. You can get them for just about any sewing machine.

You can also sew your quilting blocks by hand. That is the way women use to do all the time because they didn't have sewing machines. They made their quilts out of necessity because they needed blankets. They would use clothes that their family had out grown or used parts that hadn't been worn out. There are many quilters today that still make their quilts all by hand and they are beautiful

One of the best places on the web to learn how to quilt is EHow, they have videos of just about anything you want to know about quilting. You can find videos from the supplies you need clear up to finishing your quilt. Check them out!

If you have any questions or how to quilt ideas please contact me and I will add it to my site.

Craft Ideas

I'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions or arts and craft tips that you would like to share please contact me and I will share them with everyone else.

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