crafters love crafts

Find Your Crafts And Supplies Right From The Comfort Of Your Home

Welcome to Crafters Love Crafts shopping mall for your crafts and supplies. You will find some of the best online merchants that sell craft supplies, usually at discount prices.

Many people ask me why they should shop online and if it is safe. The answer I give them is “yes, it is safe and they can save money”. I shop on line all the time and have found some great bargains for crafts and supplies.

You will also find books and patterns for those special projects that you are working on – plus many products that you cannot find at your biggest craft store. Most of the merchants listed below offer incentives like free or low cost shipping, coupons and great sales. Many of the merchants provide you with free craft patterns and ideas.

Look around and see if there is something of interest to you. If there is something you can’t find contact me and I will see if I can find it.


Artbeads has been a leading online bead and jewelry supply retailer since 1999. We are most recognized in the beading world for our specialization in Swarovski crystal components and sterling silver beads.

Create for less There are over 60,000 brand name craft, sewing, quilting, scrapbooking, candlemaking supplies and more.

Dick Blick one of the largest suppliers in the nation, has been supplying artists and teachers with high quality art supplies since 1911.

FabricFabric Our warehouse stocks more than 500,000 yards of fabric that we offer at 40% or more below retail price. We offer the best in sewing notions, knitting and craft supplies, books and home decoration.

Joann premier online destination for arts and crafts, original project ideas, unique products and the opportunity for creative people to share their interests.

Scrapbook Thousands of scrapbooking supplies. HUGE daily discounts! You will find everything you want and some things you never even thought about.

Craft Ideas

I'd love to hear from you. If you have any questions or arts and craft tips that you would like to share please contact me and I will share them with everyone else.

Would you like to show the world your favorite craft? It's free and easy. Please click here to make your submission.

Blick Art Materials-You can find all kinds of art and craft supplies here that you can't find anywhere else.

Purchase scrapbooking supplies from the Superstore! Discount Art & Craft Supplies--Up to 75% off! offers a huge selection of discount art supplies and craft supplies

Create More, Spend Less at We offer over 60,000 brand name craft, sewing, quilting, scrapbooking, candlemaking supplies and more.

Free Shipping at Artbeads

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