carving in minature
crafters love crafts

carving in minature

by Lawrence Beach
(spgfld, vermont)

peace dove earings

peace dove earings

I have always worked with and had a love for wood,now mostly carving jewelry from reclaimed wood that I find in swamps,forest floor, or even unwanted and broken furniture. That way I give standing trees as well as unwanted furniture a 2nd chance.getting that right pc of wood you are striving for is half the battle. I built furniture and houses for years, and three years ago I took this new hobby up. all I can say is I was 50 years old when one day I was told I could not do this and the rest is history. Now I see the world in some small way differently in a good way. Peace 2 all

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Mar 04, 2010
by: Anonymous

I really love these earrings. They must take a lot ot time to complete. I would love to find a place that sells them because I sure would buy them.

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