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Candle Wax Comes In Many Different Types For All Your Candle Making Needs

There are many different types of candle wax available and this can be hard for the beginner to understand. I will list the different wax and tell you what they are best used for.

120 Degree Semi-Refined Paraffin Wax

A soft wax with a low melting point, it is perfect to fill all your container candles. Also used for carved candles and making modeling.

142 Degree Paraffin Wax

This is a quality hard wax, with a high melting point and a variety of uses. Perfect for your general candle making, votives, tapers, molded and embedded candles.

152 Degree Taper/dipping Wax Discount

A less expensive candle wax, yet high quality molding and taper wax. This paraffin wax has a melt point of 152 degrees. Primarily used for molded candles, hand-dipped tapers, and floating candles.


beeswax candles A beautiful natural wax collected from beehives. Beeswax candles are popular for their pleasant hint of natural fragrance and extended burn time. Beeswax sheets are available in both naural and a variety of dyed colors.

The honeycomb pattern adds a chic natural look, and a cluster of these honeycomb rolled candles make a stylish and unique accent to your home.

If you have any questions or candle wax ideas please contact me and I will add it to my site.

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